Featuring Minimal-chic Korean dining, Han Oak is an established Portland restaurant and creative reception venue. For a fresh and modern spin on a intimate wedding soiree, Han Oak invites guests and bridal party to savor fabulous Korean flavors while celebrating the new nuptials. Sleek mid-century design with industrial accents sets the stage while a side buffet is laden with sumptuous plates. The garage door style entrance allows guests to mill into the surrounding garden patio for a truly unique wedding experience. Portland photographers will find inspiration in the innovative style and warm summer sunlight streaming through the windows. This gem of a Korean restaurant is quickly becoming a stalwart figure in Portland Asian dining.
Han Oak Portland Wedding
Josh & Julia
Han Oak in Portland, Oregon, is more than just a venue; it’s an experience. It’s a place where culinary artistry meets the celebration of love, and where every corner tells a story waiting to be captured